Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The greatest Triathlete

The Best Diet Plan - The greatest Triathlete
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Do you know about - The greatest Triathlete

The Best Diet Plan! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

When you go from regular midpoint Joe, to a world class athlete you do not get there overnight. There is a lot that you can learn just by going through a simple training process. Once you get into a regular routine that holds to true form; it makes you perceive how great of shape athletes that compete in triathlons are in. The specific training routines, the diet, the discipline that it takes make it into an elite sport is something that is unmatched.

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How is The greatest Triathlete

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from The Best Diet Plan.

For the longest time I wondered how to go about making the transition from midpoint just like to eat right and workout guy, to a true "Athlete". I decided to eat and abide by a diet that was going to be the greatest test for me. I wanted to go full tilt with no regrets. I wanted to go at this thing for not only my condition but truly see how and what it takes to be an elite athlete. So I began.....

I started by evaluating my diet. I wanted to see what it took to start training. I knew that as I got more complicated that I would be required to get more specific and I would need to be training and replenishing calories so I decided to start small and when I mean small I mean small. I decided to give up what I thought about as my one and only "true" vise, soda! I have ever since I was young loved a good caffeinated beverage. I am not one who needs it to survive like so many citizen that I know. Well at least, I don't think I need it.... So after cutting out caffeine I decided to start seriously coming up with a training plan. This meant cutting out some of my beloved foods while training. Since Tri-athletes run, bike, and swim I needed to come up with a training plan that would allow me to hit everything, the biking, running, and swimming.

I had no place to start. I decided that I needed some professional advice. I met a man who was a known athlete and tri-athlete in my area. He was a great resource. He left me know that I needed to start small. He drew up a training plan that I needed to do 5 times a week. At first I was a petite hesitant, the training plan he had drawn up on for me was something of a joke, or so I thought.

I started with a small (or at least it seemed small at the time) run. A simple 1.5 mile run every morning. I was thinking, "Wow, I can run that far with my eyes closed no biggie." Well I was right about one thing, running with my eyes closed was something I guess I could have done to avoid the pain! Ha, I swiftly realized that running 1.5 miles was something of an easy thing, however, the realization that everyday is something of a distinct story. I decided that a "simple" routine was not so "simple" anymore.

Next was the bike. I was always somewhat of a biker. A few years back I decided that a bike was a great idea for me to get some exercise. I decided that a quick trip colse to my neighborhood was good enough. Then I got my mentors instructions. "24 miles twice a day and 3 times a week." I idea I was going to pass out after I read those words. The most I had ever rode was a maximum of 18 miles one Saturday and I idea I was going to collapse after that ride. So, following the instructions the best I could I started off on my first ride. Well after about 12 miles I could tell the supervene on body was going to be, trauma. Well that proved to be true, after 3 months of riding I was still not able to ride two 24 mile increments. I took me a long time before I could precisely say that riding 300+ miles a week came easily. In fact it probably took a good year or more to say that 300+ miles a week came easily. Onward and upward I guess...

Next was the biggest challenge for me. Swimming in a triathlon is no easy task. I takes a lot of motivation to swim a mile or two for training when your by yourself but when you are competing in a large group and everybody has the same goal it can be very nerve racking. I decided to swim in my local pool for training. I went everyday and decided that a good mile was a beginning point. My mentor said this was a good goal but I needed to be swimming 8 miles a week to fully be ready. I decided to up it to 2 miles each time out. Other problem I had. I was looking for a great wetsuit that was going to keep me not only warm but help me shed minutes. I knew it was not just good adequate swim I needed to be able to stay with the pack. After I had my wetsuit I went back to training. Although it kicked my butt I can precisely say that swimming was a lot easier on my muscles than simply riding and running everywhere. It was a good recovery after a long ride or run it seemed like to me.

So after a lot of training and hard work I decided to enter a local event with 45 tri-athletes and see how I faired. Well after a.7 mile swim and a 13 mile bike ride (I idea it would be much longer), I went into to 3.2 mile run. My halt time was a solid 2 hour and 37 minutes. Which got me a whopping 16th place.

I have a new comprehension for what it takes to be an athlete who can do it all. This record is written in my infancy in this arena. Any way My diet has changed and I can precisely say I am in one of the best stages of my life in terms of condition and wellness. I consume now about 5,000 calories a day to keep up with my training. I am not saying I am doing an Ironman anytime soon but it would be accurate to say it is one of my long term goals. However, now that I do take observation in my diet and practice routine I can not believe I lived without it before. I want to say thank you to my mentor and my family for their support. I know it is not easy to deal with my growing enthusiasm in an high-priced sport. Any way thanks to resources I have come over it has come to be much easier to afford. I look transmit to writing about my enlarge as I come closer to following my goals and dreams or being an Ironman.

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